Silver tetradrachm
minted at Lampsacus by Lysimachus between 298-281BC, obverse=
Alexander the Great
deified with the ram�s horns of Zeus-Ammon and wearing the royal
diadem, reverse= Athena seated and bearing Nike
(Victory), who pours a libation over the name of Lysimachus |
Silver tetradrachm of
Alexander the Great minted in Babylon c. 320BC, obverse =Heracles,
reverse =enthroned
Zeus (mu-tau-rho monogram for �metropolis�) |
Bronze drachm of
Antoninus Pius minted in Alexandria in year 22 (AD159-160),
obverse=head of emperor,
reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp |
Bronze drachm of
Antoninus Pius minted in Alexandria in year 22 (AD159-160),
obverse=head of emperor,
reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp |
Bronze drachm of Antoninus Pius minted in Alexandria (year 14,
AD151-152), obverse =head of emperor,
reverse =Triptolemus/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp and
riding in a serpent biga (two-beast chariot) |
Silver tetradrachm of
Ptolemy Soter as Satrap (overstruck to reduced standard c. 310BC),
obverse =Alexander
in an elephant scalp, reverse=Athena |
Bronze drachm of the
Empress Faustina II minted in Alexandria (year 14 of Pius,
AD151-152), obverse=head
of empress, reverse =Triptolemus/ Alexander wearing the elephant
scalp and riding in a serpent biga (two-beast chariot) |
Bronze drachm of Hadrian
minted in Alexandria in year 15 (AD130-131), obverse=head of
reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp kisses the
hand of the emperor in greeting on the occasion of
his visit to the city |
Bronze drachm of Hadrian
minted in Alexandria in year 15 (AD130-131), obverse=head of
reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp kisses the
hand of the emperor in greeting on the occasion of
his visit to the city |
Bronze drachm of Hadrian
minted in Alexandria in year 15 (AD130-131), obverse=head of
reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp kisses the
hand of the emperor in greeting on the occasion of
his visit to the city |
Billon (silver alloy) tetradrachm of Hadrian minted in Alexandria in
year 15 (AD130-131), obverse=head
of emperor, reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant
scalp and bearing and the vexillum (military standard)
and ears of corn greets the emperor on the occasion of his visit to
the city |
Billon (silver alloy)
tetradrachm of Hadrian minted in Alexandria in year 15 (AD130-131),
of emperor, reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant
scalp and bearing and the vexillum (military standard)
and ears of corn greets the emperor on the occasion of his visit to
the city |
Bronze drachm of Hadrian
minted in Alexandria in year 18 (AD133-134), obverse=head of
Isis Pharia with a billowing sail and the Pharos lighthouse
surmounted by a statue and with Tritons (fish-tailed sons
of Poseidon) on the stage below |
Bronze drachm of Hadrian
minted in Alexandria in year 16 (AD131-132), obverse=head of
reverse=emperor in a quadriga (four-horse chariot) |
Bronze drachm of Hadrian
minted in Alexandria in year 14 (AD129-130), obverse=head of
reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp greets the
emperor arriving in Alexandria in a quadriga |
Bronze drachm of Hadrian
minted in Alexandria in year 15 (AD130-131), obverse=head of
reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp greets the
emperor arriving in Alexandria in a quadriga |
Bronze drachm of Hadrian minted in Alexandria (year 17, AD132-133),
obverse=head of emperor,
reverse =Triptolemus/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp and
riding in a serpent biga (two-beast chariot), the serpents
wear the skhent crown of upper and lower Egypt |
Billon tetradrachm of
Hadrian minted in Alexandria (year 21, AD136-137), obverse=head of
reverse =Triptolemus/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp and
riding in a serpent biga (two-beast chariot) |
Billon (silver alloy)
tetradrachm of Nero minted in Alexandria in year 12 (AD66-67),
obverse= head of emperor,
reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp
Billon (silver alloy)
tetradrachm of Otho minted in Alexandria in year 1 (AD69),
obverse=head of emperor,
reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp with
Bronze of Ptolemy V
Epiphanes minted in Alexandria between 204-180BC, Obverse=Head of
Alexander wearing
elephant scalp, reverse=eagle holding a thunderbolt with legend
PTOLEMAIOU BASILEOS (�of King Ptolemy�) |
Bronze diobol of Vespasian minted in Alexandria in year 8 (AD76-77),
obverse=head of emperor,
reverse= Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp |
Billon (silver alloy)
tetradrachm of Vespasian minted in Alexandria in year 2 (AD70),
obverse=head of
emperor, reverse =Alexandria/ Alexander wearing the elephant scalp,
bearing a vexillum and holding out a victor�s wreath
with legend ALEXANDREIA |
A superb example of a
billon tetradrachm of Hadrian minted in Alexandria in year 15
(AD130-131), obverse is the head of the emperor, reverse shows
Alexander personifying Alexandria, wearing the elephant scalp and
bearing and the vexillum (military standard) and ears of corn,
greeting the emperor on the occasion of his visit to the city |
HadrianElefBustTet.jpg A billon
tetradrachm of Hadrian minted in Alexandria in AD125-126 (L DEKATOU
= of the tenth year), obverse is the head of the emperor, reverse is
a bust of Alexander personifying Alexandria. |
Macedonian bronze coin of chalkon or
dichalkon weight (2.3g); shield obverse with the royal starburst on
the boss/episema; helm reverse inscribed BA; minted under Alexander
the Great or Antigonus Gonatus or during the Interregnum of
288-277BC |
Silver tetradrachm of Ptolemy Soter
wearing the diadem as king of Egypt by the famous Delta engraver
(symbol behind the ear) with an eagle grasping a thunderbolt on the
reverse and the legend PTOLEMAIOU BASILEOS, minted in Alexandria
between 305-285BC |
Alexandrian dichalkon coin minted
under Trajan and depicting and eight-rayed star on its reverse |
Bronze drachm of Hadrian minted in Alexandria in year 15 (AD130-131)
Alexandria/Alexander wearing the elephant scalp greets the emperor
arriving in Alexandria in a quadriga with Nike overhead about to
wreath the emperor |
Billon tetradrachm coin of the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius minted
in Alexandria in the 21st year of his reign (~AD158) �
the reverse depicts the Genius of Alexandria in the guise of
Alexander the Great, its Founder |
Bronze drachm coin of the Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius minted in
Alexandria in the 12th year of his reign (~AD148) � the
reverse depicts Isis Pharia holding a sistrum and billowing sail
standing to the left of the Pharos lighthouse |
Billon tetradrachm coin of the Roman Emperor Severus Alexander
minted in Alexandria in the 12th year of his reign
(AD232-3) � the reverse depicts the Genius of Alexandria (i.e.
Alexander the Great) bearing corn ears symbolising the supply of
Egyptian corn to Rome via Alexandria and with a palm leaf |
Billon tetradrachm of Hadrian minted in Alexandria in Year 6 of the
emperor (AD121-122), the reverse depicts the genius of Alexandria
(Alexander the Great) wearing his traditional elephant-scalp
headdress |
A silver tetradrachm of Alexander the Great minted at Amphipolis
between 325-324BC during Alexander’s lifetime probably in order to
pay off veteran troops retiring to Macedonia. |
A bronze drachm minted in Alexandria in year 17 (LIZ) of the Roman
emperor Antoninus Pius (AD154-155) – the reverse depicts the altar
of the Agathodaimon (“Benign Spirit”) in ancient Alexandria with a
central sacred blaze of fir cones – the Agathodaimon took the form
of a serpent, sometimes winged, so the features at both upper
corners of the altar are considered to be statues of the
Agathodaimon.” |
A silver didrachm minted in Tarentum on the coast of Southern Italy
when it was allied with Alexander of Epiros, the uncle of Alexander
the Great, during his Italian campaigns circa 332BC bearing the
iconic image of Phalanthos, the Spartan founder of Tarentum, riding
a dolphin. |
A billon tetradrachm minted in Alexandria in about AD155 under the
emperor Antoninus Pius: the reverse is a portrait of the god Helios
wearing his radiate crown, probably based on the statue of
Alexander-Helios that stood atop the Pharos lighthouse. |
A 12mm diameter Macedonian bronze once believed to be Antigonid but
now thought to have begun to be minted under Alexander – the obverse
is a shield with a starburst and the reverse has a helmet with the
letters BA either side for ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ (of King Alexander)
Bronze Alexandrian drachm minted in Year 4 of Anntoninus Pius; the
reverse is the head of the sun god Helios – a statue of Alexander as
Helios surmounted the Pharos lighthouse in Alexandria when this coin
was minted |
Bronze Alexandrian drachm minted in Year 14 of Anntoninus Pius;
ostensibly this is Triptolemos sowing seeds from a serpent-drawn
chariot, but the elephant scalp headdress suggests it is Alexander
using barley meal to mark out the foundations of Alexandria after
having been guided back from Siwa by a pair of serpents
A silver tetradrachm minted by Alexander’s general Lysimachos about
30 years after the king’s death and depicting him wearing the ram’s
horns of Zeus-Ammon and the hair ribbon called the diadem
A bronze drachm minted in the 18th year of the Emperor
Hadrian (AD133-134) in Alexandria with the famous reverse showing
the goddess Isis Pharia holding a billowing sail and the Pharos
lighthouse to the right surmounted by a statue of Alexander the
Great represented as the sun-god Helios. |